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Sonatas and Partitas for Violin Solo
Johann Sebastian Bach

Bob van der Ent

Sonatas and Partitas for Violin Solo

Price: € 22.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917286427
Catnr: CC 72864
Release date: 19 March 2021
2 CD
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€ 22.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72864
Release date
19 March 2021

"Van der Ent does offer a new and highly personal performance of Bach's music."

Fanfare, 28-9-2021

About the album

It was not until I picked up my violin and played a few movements of solo Bach, one winter's evening at home, that the essence of the composer finally permeated my being. I felt an almost mystical unity with the music that I'd never experienced before. Because there are already so many fabulous recordings of Bach, I asked myself "What can I still add to this?" What surprised me, however, was that the wide diversity of approach was actually a great source of inspiration to me rather than being in any way off-putting. Apparently, the possibilities of Bach's music are inexhaustible. This is what gave me the courage I needed to issue a new recording.

To me, the narrative power of Bach's music means that it can sound like new in every era and in every performance. People's opinions of Bach are constantly changing and will continue to do so in the future. My recording of Bach is an interpretation of my vision of his music up until now, and I have striven for authenticity by remaining true to my personal vision, without making it a predominant feature.

For years now, I have been playing a violin that is very dear to me; an instrument by Jean Baptiste Vuillaume from 1828. It is modelled after Stradivarius and its tonal design is typical of 18th century instruments, with a wide palette of colours. Using gut strings on this instrument, especially for Bach, adds a great deal of clarity to the sound, a richer range of overtones and a warmer sound that more closely approximates the human voice. Finally, a Baroque bow offers many more options for the expression I'm seeking. It's a bow that feels like a fine paintbrush, helping me to paint the music, as it were, in great detail.
De Nederlandse violist Bob van der Ent wordt omschreven als een zeer begenadigd en virtuoos violist met een prachtige ruime en ronde toon. Dat is duidelijk te horen op deze cd. De violist speelt wereldberoemde sonates en partita’s voor viool solo van Johann Sebastian Bach en debuteert daarmee vlak voor Bachs geboortedag op 21 maart. Het label Challenge koos voor deze jonge violist vanwege zijn persoonlijkheid. Van der Ent geeft niet alleen een voorstelling, maar neemt de luisteraar mee op reis.

Muziek, die klinkt en uitstijgt boven de egocentrische worsteling van de mens. Muziek, waarin ambacht en geloof een grote rol hebben, maar die tevens heel nederig is. Dat is de muziek van J.S. Bach. De kwetsbaarheid van de mens en zijn ontzag voor het ongrijpbare, wordt het meest duidelijk als hij alleen is. Hoe past dit album in deze tijd! Een tijd van eenzaamheid en isolatie. Eenzaamheid geeft ruimte aan contemplatie. Bach vertegenwoordigt voor violist Bob van der Ent een allesomvattend kruispunt waar alle muziek naar toe leidt en uit voortkomt. Het voelde als een onvermijdelijke volgende stap in zijn carrière om zich onder te dompelen in de meest unieke werken voor viool solo aller tijden.

Bob van der Ent: “Pas toen ik thuis op een winteravond mijn viool pakte en een paar delen solo Bach speelde, drong de essentie van de componist eindelijk mijn wezen binnen. Ik voelde een bijna mystieke eenheid met de muziek die ik nog nooit eerder zo had beleefd.” De onuitputtelijke mogelijkheden van Bachs muziek gaven Van der Ent de nodige moed om, naast de vele prachtige opnames die er al van Bach zijn, een nieuwe opname te maken.

Voor Van der Ent betekent de verhalende kracht van Bachs muziek dat deze, in elk tijdperk en in elke uitvoering, steeds als nieuw kan klinken. De meningen over Bachs muziek veranderen voortdurend en zullen dat in de toekomst blijven doen. Van der Ents opname van Bach is een interpretatie van zijn visie op Bachs muziek tot nu toe. De violist streefde naar authenticiteit door trouw te blijven aan zijn persoonlijke visie, zonder die te laten overheersen.

Bob van der Ent speelt al jaren op een viool die hem na aan het hart ligt. Een instrument uit 1828, gemodelleerd naar Stradivarius. Het gebruik van darmsnaren, vooral voor de muziek van Bach, voegt helderheid toe aan de klank, zorgt voor een rijker bereik van boventonen en een warme klank die de menselijke stem dicht benadert. Wat in deze uitvoering tot uitdrukking komt in een breed kleurenpalet en een unieke klankwereld.
Erst als ich an einem Winterabend zu Hause meine Geige in die Hand nahm und ein paar Sätze von Bach solo spielte, durchdrang die Essenz des Komponisten endgültig mein Wesen. Ich fühlte eine fast mystische Einheit mit der Musik, die ich nie zuvor erlebt hatte.
Da es bereits so viele fabelhafte Aufnahmen von Bach gibt, fragte ich mich: "Was kann ich dem noch hinzufügen?" Was mich jedoch überraschte, war, dass die große Vielfalt der Herangehensweise tatsächlich eine große Quelle der Inspiration für mich war, anstatt in irgendeiner Weise abschreckend zu sein. Offenbar sind die Möglichkeiten der Bach'schen Musik unerschöpflich. Das hat mir den Mut gegeben, eine neue Aufnahme herauszugeben.
Für mich bedeutet die erzählerische Kraft von Bachs Musik, dass sie in jeder Zeit und in jeder Aufführung wie neu klingen kann. Die Meinungen der Menschen über Bach ändern sich ständig und werden sich auch in Zukunft ändern.
Meine Aufnahme von Bach ist eine Interpretation meiner bisherigen Vision seiner Musik, und ich habe mich um Authentizität bemüht, indem ich meiner persönlichen Vision treu geblieben bin, ohne sie zum vorherrschenden Merkmal zu machen.
Seit Jahren spiele ich eine Geige, die mir sehr am Herzen liegt; ein Instrument von Jean Baptiste Vuillaume aus dem Jahr 1828. Sie ist der Stradivarius nachempfunden und hat eine für Instrumente des 18. Jahrhunderts typische Klanggestaltung mit einer breiten Farbpalette.
Die Verwendung von Darmsaiten auf diesem Instrument, insbesondere für Bach, verleiht dem Klang eine große Klarheit, einen reicheren Obertonbereich und einen wärmeren Klang, der der menschlichen Stimme näher kommt.
Schließlich bietet ein Barockbogen viel mehr Möglichkeiten für den Ausdruck, den ich suche. Es ist ein Bogen, der sich wie ein feiner Pinsel anfühlt, der mir hilft, die Musik sozusagen in allen Details zu malen.


Bob van der Ent (violin)

The young Dutch violinist Bob van der Ent has received wide acclaim for his impeccable technique, seasoned interpretations and characteristic style. With his recording of Paganini’s 24 caprices, Bob van der Ent has become the first Dutch violinist of his generation – and one of just a few in the world – to have released the entire cycle. His debut album Dutch Violin Sonatas, released in 2013 on Aliud Records, was an international success, receiving rave reviews in OpusKlassiek and International Record Review. In 1993 Bob van der Ent was one of the youngest students admitted to the special Young Talent department at the Conservatory of Amsterdam. There he studied violin with Jan Repko and Vesko Eschkenazy (the concertmaster of the Royal Concertgebouw...

The young Dutch violinist Bob van der Ent has received wide acclaim for his impeccable technique, seasoned interpretations and characteristic style.

With his recording of Paganini’s 24 caprices, Bob van der Ent has become the first Dutch violinist of his generation – and one of just a few in the world – to have released the entire cycle.

His debut album Dutch Violin Sonatas, released in 2013 on Aliud Records, was an international success, receiving rave reviews in OpusKlassiek and International Record Review.

In 1993 Bob van der Ent was one of the youngest students admitted to the special Young Talent department at the Conservatory of Amsterdam. There he studied violin with Jan Repko and Vesko Eschkenazy (the concertmaster of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra), with additional classes from Davina van Wely and Herman Krebbers. Bob van der Ent attended masterclasses at home and abroad from the likes of Donald Weilerstein, Eduard Grach, Ivry Gitlis and Pierre Amoyal. After auditioning, he was admitted to the course given by Shmuel Ashkenazy at the Mozarteum in Salzburg.

Bob van der Ent won first prizes from a very young age at Iordens Violin Competition (the Netherlands’ national contest for young violinists) and the Prinses Christina Competition. While still studying, he was a prizewinner at the National Oskar Back Violin Competition and also received a special award at the world-renowned international Wieniawsy-Lipinsky Competition in Poland.

Following his debut at the age of ten with the Dutch Youth String Orchestra conducted by Roland Kieft, Bob van der Ent went on to perform as a soloist in major violin concertos. He gave his first recital at the age of twelve, and has performed in the United States, Russia and all around Europe, as well as at all important venues and festivals in the Netherlands. He can also be heard on radio and television.



Johann Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer and musician of the Baroque period. He enriched established German styles through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms, and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France. Bach's compositions include the Brandenburg Concertos, the Goldberg Variations, the Mass in B minor, two Passions, and hundreds of cantatas. His music is revered for its technical command, artistic beauty, and intellectual depth.  Bach's abilities as an organist were highly respected during his lifetime, although he was not widely recognised as a great composer until a revival of interest in and performances of his music in the first half of the 19th century. He is now generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time.  

Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer and musician of the Baroque period. He enriched established German styles through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms, and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France. Bach's compositions include the Brandenburg Concertos, the Goldberg Variations, the Mass in B minor, two Passions, and hundreds of cantatas. His music is revered for its technical command, artistic beauty, and intellectual depth.

Bach's abilities as an organist were highly respected during his lifetime, although he was not widely recognised as a great composer until a revival of interest in and performances of his music in the first half of the 19th century. He is now generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time.



Van der Ent does offer a new and highly personal performance of Bach's music.
Fanfare, 28-9-2021

Bob van der Ent is, by way of contrast, a relative unknown, but one who has done some phenomenal work here. Both players use baroque bows, but Van der Ent is also using an instrument in full baroque set-up, with three unwound gut strings and the fingerboard and neck and bass bar of an 18th Century instrument; 
American Record Guide, 01-9-2021

Van der Ent plays the works with the baroque bow and also chooses gut strings on his modern violin. This is to be able to add more nuances and to make full use of the overtone-rich warmth of the gut strings.
Luister, 15-5-2021

Bob van der Ent deeply touches the core of what this music can give us: comfort, hope, emotion and vitality
Stretto, 18-2-2021

Play album Play album
Disc #1
Violin Sonata No.1 in G Minor, BWV 1001: I. Adagio
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Sonata No.1 in G Minor, BWV 1001: II. Fuga
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Sonata No.1 in G Minor, BWV 1001: III. Siciliana
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Sonata No.1 in G Minor, BWV 1001: IV. Presto
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Partita No.1 in B Minor, BWV 1002: I. Allemanda
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Partita No.1 in B Minor, BWV 1002: II. Double
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Partita No.1 in B Minor, BWV 1002: III. Courante
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Partita No.1 in B Minor, BWV 1002: IV. Double
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Partita No.1 in B Minor, BWV 1002: V. Sarabande
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Partita No.1 in B Minor, BWV 1002: VI. Double
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Partita No.1 in B Minor, BWV 1002: VII. Tempo di Bourrée
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Partita No.1 in B Minor, BWV 1002: VIII. Double
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Sonata No.2 in A Minor, BWV 1003: I. Grave
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Sonata No.2 in A Minor, BWV 1003: II. Fuga
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Sonata No.2 in A Minor, BWV 1003: III. Andante
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Sonata No.2 in A Minor, BWV 1003: IV. Allegro
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent

Disc #2
Violin Sonata No.3 in C Major, BWV 1005: I. Adagio
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Sonata No.3 in C Major, BWV 1005: II. Fuga
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Sonata No.3 in C Major, BWV 1005: III. Largo
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Sonata No.3 in C Major, BWV 1005: IV. Allegro assai
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Partita No.2 in D Minor, BWV 1004: I. Allemande
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Partita No.2 in D Minor, BWV 1004: II. Courante
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Partita No.2 in D Minor, BWV 1004: III. Sarabande
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Partita No.2 in D Minor, BWV 1004: IV. Gigue
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Partita No.2 in D Minor, BWV 1004: V. Chaconne
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Partita No.3 in E Major, BWV 1006: I. Preludio
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Partita No.3 in E Major, BWV 1006: II. Loure
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Partita No.3 in E Major, BWV 1006: III. Gavotte en Rondeau
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Partita No.3 in E Major, BWV 1006: IV. Menuett I & V. Menuett II
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Partita No.3 in E Major, BWV 1006: VI. Bourrée
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
Violin Partita No.3 in E Major, BWV 1006: VII. Gigue
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Bob van der Ent
show all tracks


Bob van der Ent plays part of Sonata no 3. Adagio - J.S. Bach
Bob van der Ent - interview Bach

Often bought together with..

Anton Bruckner
Bruckner No. 7
Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra / Bernard Haitink
Franz Schubert
Song Cycles - Die schöne Müllerin / Schwanengesang / Winterreise
Christoph Prégardien / Andreas Staier / Michael Gees
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Requiem KV 626 - Version for string quartet by Peter Lichtenthal (1780-1853)
Kuijken String Quartet
Willem Jeths
Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra / Netherlands Radio Choir / James Gaffigan / Willem Jeths
Various composers
Father & Son (reissue)
Christoph & Julian Prégardien
Robert Schumann, Richard Wagner
Dichterliebe Op. 48 / Lenau-Lieder und Requiem Op. 90 / Wesendonck Lieder
Christoph Prégardien / Michael Gees

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